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Fraud warning: Some members have received text messages claiming to be from Stanford FCU asking to confirm suspicious charges. Do not click on the link! These messages are not from us and the link does not go to our website. If you’re unsure about a message or want to check your accounts, please call us at 888.723.7328.

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Fraud warning: Some members have received text messages claiming to be from Stanford FCU asking to confirm suspicious charges. Do not click on the link! These messages are not from us and the link does not go to our website. If you’re unsure about a message or want to check your accounts, please call us at 888.723.7328.

Mortgage Rates

Helpful mortgage rate details

Introducing new 40-year mortgage terms to help you qualify for a higher loan amount and lower payments! Contact a Mortgage Consultant for complete information and pricing!

The Conforming loan amount in most locations is $726,200 ($1,089,300 in high-balance markets). All loan amounts higher than Conforming are considered Jumbo loans.
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