“Stanford FCU doesn’t have a lot of fees to reduce or waive, because we barely charge any fees. And we don’t usually offer special rates, because our everyday rates are already amazing.”
—Joan Opp
Stanford FCU President/CEO
Every credit union dreams of being able to give back to its members, but in today’s highly competitive financial services industry, few can achieve that dream. Stanford FCU is different—our lean, not-for-profit operating model contributes to our fiscal strength and enables us to do more for our members. Being a member at Stanford FCU means access to market-leading rates in deposit and loan products–not just for high-credit individuals, but for all members. We have minimal-to-no fees, and returns that go to members not shareholders.
According to the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), Stanford FCU provided $25 million in direct financial benefits to our members!
“Stanford FCU doesn’t have a lot of fees to reduce or waive, because we barely charge any fees. And we don’t usually offer special rates, because our everyday rates are already amazing.”
—Joan Opp
Stanford FCU President/CEO
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