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Fraud warning: Some members have received text messages claiming to be from Stanford FCU asking to confirm suspicious charges. Do not click on the link! These messages are not from us and the link does not go to our website. If you’re unsure about a message or want to check your accounts, please call us at 888.723.7328.

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Fraud warning: Some members have received text messages claiming to be from Stanford FCU asking to confirm suspicious charges. Do not click on the link! These messages are not from us and the link does not go to our website. If you’re unsure about a message or want to check your accounts, please call us at 888.723.7328.

Is there a fee for money orders?

We do not have money orders. Members can get a Cashier’s or official check, and there is no fee. You can get a free Cashier’s Check from a local Stanford FCU branch, any shared branch in the U.S., or request one online (if the check will be payable to you). If you need a Cashier’s Check made payable to another person, you can send a secure Message through Online Banking or the mobile app (App StoreGoogle Play).

Contact us for personalized assistance

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Secure Message

Already a member? Send us a secure Message through Online or Mobile Banking. Just Login with your existing Login ID and Password.

Live Chat


Monday – Friday:
9 AM – 5 PM PT
Saturday: 10 AM – 3 PM PT
Sunday: Closed

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Virtual Branch

Schedule a call or Zoom meeting with a Member Advisor.

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