Alert Notification Icon

Fraud warning: Some members have received text messages claiming to be from Stanford FCU asking to confirm suspicious charges. Do not click on the link! These messages are not from us and the link does not go to our website. If you’re unsure about a message or want to check your accounts, please call us at 888.723.7328.

Alert Notification Icon

Fraud warning: Some members have received text messages claiming to be from Stanford FCU asking to confirm suspicious charges. Do not click on the link! These messages are not from us and the link does not go to our website. If you’re unsure about a message or want to check your accounts, please call us at 888.723.7328.

ATM & Branch Locator

Search our locations

Enter the address, city or zip code below to find branches and ATMs on the locator, or use the Find Me button. Stanford FCU has 6 branches and 30 ATMs in the California Bay Area, plus 30,000 fee-free ATMs and 6,000 CO-OP shared branches across the nation!

Branch Hours

Palo Alto, CA

525 University Avenue*
Mon-Fri: 9 AM to 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 4 PM

1860 Embarcadero Road
Mon-Fri: 8 AM to 5 PM
(no cash transactions)

*CONSTRUCTION ALERT: The University Avenue branch and ATM can be accessed from Tasso Street by walking around the side of the building. Closed on Thursday, March 14.

Redwood City, CA

905 Barron Avenue
Mon-Fri: 9 AM to 5 PM
(located on the Bay Road side)

Stanford, CA

694 Pampas Lane
Mon-Fri: 9 AM to 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM to 4 PM

459 Lagunita Drive (Tresidder)
Mon-Fri: 9 AM to 5 PM

300 Pasteur Drive (Medical Center)
Mon-Fri: 9 AM to 5 PM

Virtual Branch

Schedule an appointment at our Virtual Branch

To apply for new membership, please complete the online application.

View holiday closures

Note: Some shared branches may have limited services—be sure to check the Details tab.

Surcharge-free ATMs are for Stanford FCU debit cards, not credit cards.

Locator not working? Try these options:

Download Icon

Download the CO-OP Locator App from the App Store or Google Play

Map Icon

Text your street address, zip code or city state (e.g., Austin TX) to 91989 to find the closest ATM

Cell Phone Icon

Call 888.748.3266
for live assistance

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